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Don't be a selfish and inconsiderate parents

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 0 comments

calling all parents please la be more considerate, if you know your kid(s) is not well and ada penyakit berjangkit, jangan lah selfish, jangan la hantar anak2 ke nursery or bring them to open spaces!!!... duduk je rumah sampai sembuh...

saya pun kerja, saya pun susah nak ambik cuti, saya pun banyak kerja, or saya pun kena kerja untuk cari duit... tapi kalau anak saya sakit n penyakit tu berjangkit, nak tak nak kenala usaha n cuti! 

its so disappointing when there still parents yang tak pedulikan all this, bila teachers call and tegur, dia org sentap...but come on la...bila teacher call diaorg boleh jawab,
"oh ye ker?"-  i'm like alamak, ko tak tau ker anak ko sakit? WHATT ??? stupid morons...

sekian :|


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